

HC Miles: ExoMars: Taith y crwydryn a chyfraniad Prifysgol Aberystwyth, Rhaglen Prifysgol Aberystwyth yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llanrwst, Sir Conwy (5-6/08/19)

HC Miles: RAVEN, Gweithdy: “3D visualization of Mars rover-derived stereo-image datasets for quantitative geological analysis – tools, analyses and validation”, Imperial College London (27/03/19)


M Gunn: From Wales to Mars: Aberystwyth University’s Involvement in the ExoMars Rover Mission, Caffi Gwyddoniaeth Aberystwyth (15/10/18)

M Gunn & HC Miles: ExoMars: The Rover Mission and Aberystwyth University’s Involvement, Wythnos Roboteg Aberystwyth: Noswaith o Roboteg y Gofod (29/06/18)

M Gunn: PanCam, CLUPI, ISEM rover-level and cross calibration plans, Gweithdy: “3D Visualization for Planetary Surface Science”, VRVis Vienna (07/04/18)

M GunnAUPE – Aberystwyth University PanCam Emulator, Gweithdy: “3D Visualization for Planetary Surface Science”, VRVis Vienna (07/04/18)

HC Miles: RAVEN – a Concept for VR, Gweithdy: “3D Visualization for Planetary Surface Science”, VRVis Vienna (07/04/18)


M Gunn: Hyperspectral cameras using tuneable interference filters, Y Gynhadledd Enlighten yn Arddangosfa Photonex, Coventry (11/10/17)


M GunnRobotics at Aberystwyth University and Cameras for ExoMars mission, BCS Mid Wales, Aberystwyth (31/10/16)

M Gunn: Calibrating the colour of Mars, Amgueddfa Fitzwilliam, Caergrawnt (21/09/16)